Friday, September 26, 2008


What Pique’s Your Interest?
pop culture and freezepops

What have you liked lately?
The Office, Its Always Sunny in Philidelphia, Scrubs, other TV shows, new movies, new video games, music

If you need some help here, ask yourself these questions:Do you have a new favorite Hobby, TV show, book, type of music, film,website?
hanging out with friends, playing video games, watching tv, listening to music

What are your pet peeves?
country music, fried chicken, red necks, people talking in 2 different languages in the same sentance, crappy cereal, orange freezepops

What makes you really angry?
no more freezepops, cookie crisp, british accents, texas accents, red necks

What things in the world do you really wish you could change?
the war and all the hunger and poverty that is happening

What people, places, and ideas are in the news at the moment?
Travis Barker, Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, Joe Biden, John McCain

Are there any events coming up in the next six months or in the nextyear that are sure to be newsworthy and that you can get the jump on now?

What’s new in your city?
elections just happened

What’s new in your school?
re-dedication ceremony is soon

What’s new in your immediate neighborhood?
Evan got a new basketball

What’s new with your family?
my dog got attacked by at cyote

Is your generation, ethnic group, or racial group facing changes,hardships, or freedoms that have not been addressed in the past?
yes, no one understands the election and a lot of kids these days do drugs

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